Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thing #5

In my search for photos, I looked for computer and business images. The pic below really stood out, as it shows how far personal/desktop computers have come (Its an old Apple III). I would use photos like this in showing the history of computers (which is in the TEKs for my class much to the consternation of my students, who seem to think that BCIS class is supposed to be all facebook, all the time).
Flickr is a good resource to have, but as a technology teacher, I can foresee that the students would need to be reminded time and again to be mindful of copyright issues and to make sure they use the Commons area of Flickr. They simply don't always grasp the fact that just because something is on the internet, they aren't allowed to copy and paste it for whatever they want. Its so easy to do that, too.

What kind of hands-on lessons could we as teachers use to reinforce that concept? (wow, I'm blowing my mind with all this deep thinking)


  1. o boy does this bring back memories..my first was an Apple II..no E !!

  2. Flickr is a great resource to use. Itry to teach the kids about copyright all of the time. You are right, it is a hard thing for them to understand.

  3. Love it - I remember making a Snoopy calendar on our school's only computer when I was in 7th grade - a LONG time ago!

  4. The old picture makes me smile- we have come a long way baby!

  5. What are the strategies do you use to get your students to comply with copyright? We do a lot of stamping photos with urls. I'd like your advice as a technology teacher.
